In the post-apocalyptic world of 2078, humanity has all but been wiped out by World War III. A war between the genetically modified and the mechanically enhanced, the number of survivors is limited, unknown and dying slowly.

Being humanity's last saving grace, you're ready to put an end to the death and destruction. You're determined to stop this war, prepared to die to save those who remain. The question remains though; how successful will you be?


  • Customisable MC
  • Play as one of the genetically modified and choose the power you developed because of it: Mind Control, Sense Removal or X-ray Vision
  • Romance one of five characters
  • Develop your fighting skills and choose your signature weapon
  • Decide who lives and who dies
  • End the war once and for all - or try to at least.


Baxter Marx | 34 | M | Genetically Modified - The Muscle. Big, strong and skilled in combat, Baxter is something of a protector to your party. Despite having the ability to conduct and expel electricity from his body, he typically resorts to traditional fighting. He swore to keep you alive and safe until the very end and he's determined to keep his promise; even if it kills him.

Rae Calvert | 31 | F | Genetically Modified - The Brains. Skilled with the ability to manipulate the elements, Rae is the only reason your party has managed to survive as long as it has. She's handy and resourceful, putting up with very little and always equipped with multiple backup plans. Like Baxter, she made a promise to keep you alive but be sure to treat her right... hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Kelly Lightwood | 30 | F/M/NB | Android - The Enemy. Ruthless and analytical, their only goal in life is to kill you and they will stop at nothing until they do so, even if it means taking down everyone close to you first. Do you have what it takes to give them a change of heart or will your mission end before it's even begun?

Blair Hadden | 27 | F | Human - The Wildcard. Sweet and charming, there's nothing Blair could do that could make anyone hate her. She may not have been part of your group from the start but her innocence (and the fact that she's eight months pregnant) makes you want to protect her with your life and, considering what you need to do, it might just come down to that.

Alaric Vance | 29 | M | Genetically Modified - The Leader. Cold, hard and aloof, Alaric is the leader of a group of rogues that cross your path. He doesn't take too kindly to strangers and equipped with the ability of death sensory, you and your party reek of trouble. He's a formidable fighter and once in your corner, will do everything within his ability to make sure your mission is a success. That is if you prove yourself worthy to him.

SugarCube Template by Nyehilism

StatusIn development
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(68 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction

Development log


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hiii! question, did you delete your Tumblr?

It's still up, I just privated it. Honestly I don't even remember why so I'll probably make it public again soon๐Ÿ˜…

Update when๐Ÿ˜ž


when I regain the will to live hopefully ๐Ÿ˜ญ



Chapter 1 was great as you get right into the action although there was no need to have 2 choices of going with Baxter or Rae and just have 1 path, non linearity isn't necessary I would say.

Chapter 2 was not as good as the action/drama/thrill should have kept going and not slow down, meeting more characters this early in the story will also slow down pacing and quality of writing.

I would say the biggest flaw of this story is the focus on non linear choices, why do we need 3 choices of powers? Chapter 2 also has 2 ending choices as well. Having so many branching choices will make writing the story difficult while lowering the quality as the author won't be able to focus on 1 unique story.

That being said the premise is very unique and original and I hope to see the next chapters soon

(1 edit) (+4)

Sorry it didnt live up to expectations! The reason I've put in so many branching choices is because I want the game to be different every time you play it almost to increase replay value but I can understand why it may seem like too much.


The value (and point) of IF comes from its branching. An IF that lacks choices wouldnโ€™t be worth reading. Maybe the OP didnโ€™t realize this is IF? But either way, Iโ€™d say continue branching to the extent manageable. 

(1 edit)

For the special ability (mind control, etc), could we get a brief explanation of what each of the 3 entails, in game, before we confirm which we want for our character?
Also, can we get an option in settings to turn off the illustrations in-game?
Enjoying this game so far! Also may have laughed out loud at being called "stumpy" after THAT happens. Quinn is already one of my favourite characters.


I'm super happy you're enjoying the game and Quinn's character, she's a lot of fun to write! I can definitely add more information about the mods before you choose them though it would be only appear in game with the next update. With regard to the illustrations, can I ask if there's something specific that bothers you about them or what the reason is to want to turn them off?

There's nothing wrong with the illustrations per se, I just prefer to imagine characters based on how they're described in text and find that illustrations can break immersion when they suddenly crop up in an otherwise text-based game, especially if they're a certain style that's at odds with what my brain conjures up. I understand if you can't or don't want to make it an option to turn them off, and I hope you're not offended by the request, but I really hope you'll at least consider it, even if it means they're on by default and turning them off is something you have to do in settings.

I appreciate you adding the mod descriptions in future - it's good to know roughly what it entails and get a heads up on the downsides of each power, too, even if it's just hinted at! I will definitely do a playthrough of each type of mod when the story gets more content, and I love how aspects of the story change depending on what mod you choose. I love that sort of attention to detail, an the replay value that comes with it. Just FYI, even though the most tempting is mind control, satisfying our inner dictator lol, I decide to choose the one in relation to controlling the senses, just to see how it is. So far, pretty interesting!

As for Quinn, I did actually check up to see if she's a romance option, I'll admit. I was/am playing a gay male (so much for that lol), but I'm a huge fan of interesting and challenging characters first-and-foremost, and Quinn had me the moment she hacked away at my arm like a kid in a candy store, and then it was love when she called me Stumpy. LOL. But seriously, I know she's not a RO, but at the very least I better be able to give back as good as I get from her, and get a lot more weird, unpredictable moments with her to keep things interesting. :D
I'm also really intrigues to see how the romance with the enemy android goes. Enemies to lovers is always a fun one to play, all the rivalry and tension. That is definitely top of my list for playthroughs of this game! :)

Good luck for your future writing! :)


I can see about maybe adding a mechanic before the game starts to turn off the illustrations, I don't imagine it being a lot of work so that's nice at least lol.

I remember making a post about the mods and what each of them entail on my tumblr forever ago and for some reason thought that meant I was set everywhere else ๐Ÿ’€, so thank you actually for bringing that to my attention.

With Quinn, I can definitely add one or two flirt-y options with her but because she already starts off not liking the mc and each "antagonistic" choice with her brings your relationship with her into the negatives, she'd have very different reactions lmao. She's kind of a disposable character (if that's what you call it?) so there's not really a way for her to be a fully fledged ro but I can see a fling happening.

And as for Kelly; it's going to go very poorly.  :D




Loved the update โœจ


Thank you! โ˜บ๏ธ

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)



I went thru all the play throughs and the one with mind control is crazy ๐Ÿ˜ญ shi I'd abuse it too, like i got all these options and mind control is just the first one tempting me


Lol as long as you don't forget the negative side effects bestie ;)


when update pls


Well I don't have a lot left to write of chapter 2 so im gonna attempt to finish this weekend, so sometime next week maybe?


Good luck, I know being a part time author is hard while usually working or studying so no need to rush it. Just don't overthink things and do "redos" or "rewrites" like most authors do. Good luck, I hope for more action, drama romance from this story, since it has a lot of potential. This story could be the next Fallen Hero, hopefully it doesn't become the next Wayhaven lol


iโ€™m back in your comments again bc i still love this game !!! good luck with the progress, everything looks good and intriguing so far. 

on another note: donโ€™t let the ppl rushing u stress u out. let yourself relax


Still no update? Cmon now, it was getting interesting.


Bestie pls I'm working on it I swear ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ






you're a goob

that's high praise btw


Thank you? Lol


Still no update? I really want to read more


I'm nearing the half way mark of chapter 2 and progress has been pretty good so I'm hoping I can hustle and get to the end soon!


No update yet? really liked it but it was too short

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks! Ive been struggling with a bit of writers block for chapter 2 so ive been mainly focusing changing the pov of ch 1 from first to second


Hope the update is doing well and you're over the writers block. If you're looking for an IF with a fantastic story to take inspiration from I would recommend Fallen Hero 1 and 2. Keep up the great work.

Hope the next chapters release sooner than later :)


This is really nice and interesting!

Can't wait for more โœจ


thank you so much!


I read this, and itvleftvme wanting more. I can't wait for whenever you can update this. The concept, and the story seems interesting, so kepp up the good work.


I enjoyed the story I will be keep on going


thank you!


I'm not fan of post-apocalyptic games, but I liked it, the story got me hooked. I'm happy with with the one-person pov. It's refreshing. I hope in the following chapters we will learn a little more about the world, androids and how the world became like this. Baxter such sweetheart ๐Ÿฅบ If this Lightwood hurts him, I want to kill them! ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ก

Two little things, but more technical - In light mode choice options; text on dark background is difficult to read. I recommend changing the font or using bold.

Grey eyes, please? ๐Ÿ™ Why the authors don't like grey eyes so much?? You are the third one ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Thank you! I'm very happy you like the demo and Baxter, and don't worry, you'll get to face off with Lightwood soon! I'll see what I can do about the font/colour but I can definitely add grey eyes! ๐Ÿ’›


Really enjoyed the story, the characters and the world! I like the writing style, and the way the scenes are set. I agree that the pacing is more fast (maybe more dynamic is a better word), but I didn't get a feeling of "what, when, where" So in my opinion the author did a great job of moving forward, without cutting corners, or jumping through scenes, it felt easy & organic to follow the story. Soooo love the concept, the charecters and the first romance paths and really cannot wait for more! ๐Ÿค– ๐Ÿ–ค 


Thank you!๐Ÿ’›

(1 edit) (+3)

Good concept, feels like things move a bit fast but that's fine considering its just a demo, found a couple glitches if you go with Rae tho, after having chosen the have an interest in her option and then choosing to either hug or do nothing after using your mod to try and escape, the game glitches and resets your interest to nothing. I'll bookmark this, keep working on it :)


I'll get that fixed asap. I'll also see what I can do about the pacing with the next chapters, I took a massive break in between writing the first chapter so that probably explains the pacing issue. Thank you!